Spaying and Neutering

  • On average, 64% of all animals taken into shelters nationwide have to be euthanized.
  • At least 50% of the overpopulation problem is non-neutered males. Females can’t do it alone.
  • By spaying or neutering your pet, you are directly helping to reduce the number of animals in shelters.
  • Spayed or neutered pets are typically better behaved, calmer, and more affectionate than those that are not altered.
  • Male animals are less likely to mark their territory by urinating or spraying and less likely to run away in an attempt to find a female; no, this does not mean you should leave your neutered animal outside unattended.
  • Spaying an animal eliminates their heat cycle and the undesirable elements of a heat cycle such as bleeding, crying, and nervous behaviors.
  • Generally, your dog needs to be spayed or neutered to be able to go to most dog parks and daycares.
  • Due to the fact that it helps reduce the incidence of some of the most common types of cancers (breast, uterine, prostate, and testicular), your animal is likely to live a longer and healthier life.
  • Spaying and neutering decreases the number of stray animals which results in a decrease in animal bites (to both humans and pets), car accidents, and destruction to property.
  • Spayed and neutered animals get along better with each other and exhibit less aggression issues towards animals of the same gender.
  • Veterinarians have learned from experience that the procedures are easier to perform on young puppies and kittens (due to less fat and muscle tissue).  Overall, the younger animals recover faster and with less pain.


Low-cost spay/neuter links

Low-cost vaccinations


